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“ Gain 5 to 6 Pounds of Muscle in Only 2 Weeks!”
Learn The Secret To Add Muscle Mass Fast!
It's true! You can add 5 to 6 pounds of muscle in the next 14 days! I wouldn't say it if I couldn't prove it and guarantee it!
How many times have you said to yourself, "I gotta add more muscle to my body. I just wish I knew what the tops guys do." Don't wait another day. Your bodybuilding progress depends on it.
Now you too can learn:
The Right and Wrong Methods of Building Bigger Muscles
in Only 2 Weeks!
I've reserved the special Fast Muscle Growth report for you. Here's what you get:
Immediate Growth without doing one single additional rep - you'll fall off your chair when you learn this one!
How to make all your workouts increase your muscle growth - automatically!
Why your NEVER have to wait for mass increases. Do the one thing that works to get immediate growth.
If you're a "slow gainer" it's tough luck. Right? Wrong! That's what they want you to think.
How my secret muscle meal recipes feed your muscles in-between workouts.
Why 89% of the Top Iron Game guys gained from this secret system.
The ONE, most important thing to do before you lift a single pound - and the hush-hush reason why.
How to pump protein into your muscles. Not one bodybuilder in 10 knows this secret!
Super-intense shock training routines proven to work. You must change your routine - but don't "wing-it" with unproven methods! These are the exact step-by-step workouts that have worked for guys just like you.
The ONE, MOST IMPORTANT THING to do after a workout. (And what goes wrong when you don't.)
...and much more!.
Did anyone ever explain all this to you before? Did your P.E. teachers? Your friends? The guy at the gym? Your trainer? Mine never did.
All these secrets were learned the hard way. I hope you can learn them the easy way.
When I train people one-on-one I charge $100 an hour. But by putting it all down in written form I feel I can give it to you for only $27.00. This should be enough to cover my costs and allow for a small profit.
Of course your special Fast Muscle Growth report is guaranteed to add 5 to 6 pounds of muscle to your body in only 14 days or you get you money back.
Grab Your Copy For Only…
You will be sent the download information by e-mail within 24 hours!
*Note: This comes in
PDF format so it can be read on any computer with Adobe Acrobat Reader (free
from Adobe). If you need a copy of Acrobat Reader you can get it here
P.S. I want to also send you something FREE. It will be important to you. It's the "Secret Exercises of Bodybuilding Champions" report.
This FREE REPORT will speed your progress. Just try these amazing exercises and prove it to yourself!
But I can only make it available for a few days. Please order now.
Ordering now gets you your FREE REPORT and bigger muscles in only 2 weeks guaranteed. Fair Enough? Do it now!
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